Interview: 5 Questions with World Famous @DJIrie

Monday, December 19

Maytee: In addition to DJing, you are also a philanthropic entrepreneur. You created the annual "Irie Weekend", which is amazing! How do you feel and what was the inspiration behind it?

DJ Irie: I am soo proud of "IRIE Weekend" and for what it has become to our community.. I started IRIE Weekend 7 years ago and it has grown exponentially ever since and we've been able to support some amazing programs for our youth because of it.. I could sit here and speak about all the inspiration behind me starting IRIE Weekend and we would be here all day but the single most important inspiration is Mr. Alonzo Mourning. Alonzo has been an amazing friend and positive influence on me for over a decade now. I was privileged to work with  him and his Alonzo MourningCharities organization and learn the true meaning of community and philanthropy. I am following in his footsteps and guided by his great examples.

Tracy & Alonzo Mourning & DJ Irie.

Maytee: What is your favorite venue to spin at?

DJ Irie: This is a REALLY tough question... I've played at some amazing venues all over the world but my most favorite places to perform are right here at home on South Beach! Venue's like LIV, SET, WALL & MYNT to name are few are venues I absolutely LOVE to perform at and I consider to be some of the top in the world.

DJ Irie crowd surfing at LIV

Maytee: What is any advice you would like to give to those who would like to follow in your footsteps?

DJ Irie: I would share 2 bits of advice.. One is that if you want to create a career out of DJing then make sure you are passionate about the craft.. DJing isn't just one does.. it's someone one LIVES.. if I wasn't DJing as a career I would still go home every night and jump on the turntables and play music for myself just because I LOVE IT so I LIVE IT no matter what. If you are passionate about it then you will excel at it naturally because you will be enjoying what you do every step of the way and it will never feel like 'work' or a 'job'. The second bit of advice is if you do pursue a career as a DJ the FIRST thing you need to do is to eliminate the notion of you being a DJ out of your mind.. you are NOT a DJ.. but rather a Business.. a Brand that provides a DJ service. What I mean by that is soo many DJ's don't treat themselves and what they do as a business but rather as something they 'do' to make a couple of bucks. You can only get so far with that mentality. Any successful business invests in marketing, promotion and constantly improving on their product or service. If you're not doing those things how can expect your business to grow?

DJ Irie at LIV Fontainebleau Miami Beach during the Sucker Free Awards

Maytee: Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

DJ Irie: This is a great question and one that I get asked quite a bit and one that I never have the answer to.. not that we don't work with a plan or have any projections but rather if you asked me this questions 5 years AGO I couldn't even fathom the things we are doing today.. Official DJ of Carnival Cruise Lines, Brand Ambassador to BankAtlantic partnership deals with some of the biggest companies out there i.e. Heineken & New Era etc.. I couldn't have told you that 5 years ago. So for the next 5 years the only plan we are going to execute is to do what we do Bigger, Better and even more Innovative.. with each passing day the goal is to strive for perfection.

Maytee: What are some of your upcoming events we should look out for?

DJ Irie: Lookout for the biggest New Years Eve celebration south of times square! The Orange Drive New Years Eve Music Festival taking place on Dec 31st on South Beach. It really is the only way to ring in the new year with performances by some of your favorite musician and DJ's including yours truly.. more information at For 2012 lookout for me hosting the halftime show at the Orange Bowl and of course rocking the AmericanAirlines Arena for our Miami HEAT fans night in and night out on our quest for a second Championship. Stay tuned for the 8th Annual IRIE Weekend as well June 28th through July 1st.

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