Kendall: How did you get your start in modeling?
Maytee: When I was nineteen I decided if I am going to give modeling a shot I better do it now before it’s to late! I took a few snap shots and went around to all the agencies in South Beach. I was told no by every agency that I went to, they all said I needed professional pictures. I wasn’t going to give up so at the last agency I went to I asked for the contact of a good fashion photographer. I shot with the recommended photographer and went back to the agencies in South Beach. That was when I signed with my first agency and things took off from there.
Kendall: What are some of your career highlights?
Maytee: I love every aspect of my job but some definite highlights for me are jobs where I get to travel! Shooting a German soap commercial in the Bahamas was a lot of fun, and I also love doing fashion shows. Working for a few amazing designers such as Carolina Herrera and Zac Posen, pulling up in the Chanel private jet for the Chanel show and straight on to the catwalk was a lot of fun.
Kendall: Tell us about some of your recent work?
Maytee: I recently moved to Los Angeles to start a clothing line so I have mainly been shooting catalogs and doing shows. I did recently shoot an editorial that came out this month for Wetheurban Magazine (Issue 3), which can be seen at:
Kendall: What is any advice you would like to give to aspiring models following in your footsteps?
Maytee: Do not lose sight of your goals just because someone told you no, be thankful for what you have, do not lose yourself in this business, & make time for friends and family after all they are your support system!
Maytee: Where can we see more of the beautiful Kendall Bernota?

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