I was so happy when I received my first Vegan Tuck Box straight from the UK with so many delicious vegan treats!
The box brings a variety of tasty snacks which pretty much half of it is gone already. They have a huge range of boxes delivered to your doorstep. The snacks are sooo good and the best part is that not only is it all Vegan but the company also donates every month to a different cause. Visit www.vegantuckbox.co.uk to get your box and enter code "Tuck in" for 20% off.
A few of the snacks that came in my "Ultimate" box included Hoots, Kent Crisps, Lenny & Larrys The Complete Cookie, Flapjack, Ten Acre Popcorn, Inspiral Incan Kale Chips, Kintaro Nut Clusters, So Sweet Couture Chocolate Orange Bar, Go Max Go White Cleos, YumEarth Organics Anti-Oxifruits and more.
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