Sunday, September 27

Hi guys! Hope you tuned into House of DVF. So much happened and it was very intense! I was very happy to talk to my Mom and brother because I was missing them a lot. I'm very close to my Family and being away from them for so long makes me homesick. Later on the girls and I had to present our design projects to DVF and Michael. They both gave us great feedback. I want to thank my friend and designer Shama Banu for helping me with my Diosa sketch. It was beautiful despite of the feedback I got. I loved my design, it's something new and I stand by what I believe. Furthermore, Alli and I were invited by Diane to attend the CFDA event. It was exciting even though we knew it was a test. Our designs were the least appealing to Diane and Michael and we knew it would be a challenge. Nevertheless, it was a beautiful experience overall. I also got to see one of my favorite designers off all time Betsey Johnson which I've worked for on several occasions. 

I took it upon myself to take photos during the event because I knew we were being tested. Just being there was a challenging task. I thought of expressing the experience to be there through pictures to show Diane my kindness and gratitude. After all, words themselves are not nearly as important as the thought behind them. I wanted to express my thoughts through pictures not words. Anything that comes from your heart is bound to be beautiful but I knew I was taking a big risk when I did this.

To Jessica Joffe, there are no words to express my gratitude for all you've done. Thank you so much.

To the girls especially Alli, Meeting you guys was a great experience! Sending you all my love and affection. This was a memorable chapter of my life. Much love to you all!

To the House of DVF production team, Hud:sun Media and DVF team, thank you seems so small compared to all you've done but it comes from my heart.

To all the supporters, Thank you for your love and support! I love reading all your comments and interacting with you all. 

To Diane, you touched my life in a million wonderful ways. What a great experience this was. Thank you for all I learned in the House of DVF. May life bring you a reflection of the kindness you've shown to others. Love you and thanks for being an amazing mentor! 

My Mom always reminds me of Sofia Vergara. Her english is hilarious!

With the beautiful and very sweet Betsey Johnson 

 Diane and Alli


 Love this girl

Presenting my design to Diane and Michael

Thank you to my friend and Nepalese designer Shama Banu for helping me with my sketch. It was beautiful! 

much needed and fun girls night out!

My face when I find out Alli and I are going to the CFDA event!


Thank you Jessica for styling us. 

Cree and her Aunt Jemima joke! 

Such a cool experience to go to the CFDA award nominations with my HODVF bestie Alli.

I will miss my girl Alli so much. Am very happy I met a great friend and am rooting for her!

Thank you Diane for giving me the wings to keep on flying. Love you! Am forever grateful.

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