Maytee: You started of your career in Brazil doing theater. When did you decide to become a model and was it always something you wanted to do?
Camila: My mom was a model, and I actually worked when I was a kid, but I really started working professionally when I moved to Miami. I think modeling is like acting, you really get to be a different person, when wearing clothes and make up you would never wear it otherwise! I love trying different things; I love to see in different perspectives!
Maytee: What are have been some of your most favorite jobs and why?
Camila: Tough question! I love my job! It is difficult for me to choose which one I like the most... I started with theater, and I loooove all my plays! Then, I moved to Miami, where I started working with voice overs, and it is so much fun, especially cartoons! Then modeling, and between runway shows and photo shoots, not only you get to try different things, but you work with different people at different locations every day... Oh! I guess I know my favorite: BEING A MOM!!!!
Camila and her beautiful son!
Maytee: You are also an Actress, TV host for TNT Movie Club, and a Holistic Health Counselor. Tell us a little bit about each?
Camila: Acting is my passion! Unfortunately, I am not working as much as I'd like to... Between being a mom, photo shoots, runways, TNT Movie Club, I am busy enough to miss the auditions and opportunities that comes to Miami! Let's hope TNT Movie Club open many doors for me in Brasil!!! And talking about it, TNT Movie Club is awesome! 1 1/2 year on the air, and 2011 we got prime time... I had work as a host before, but nothing like this show! Loving it every second of it! As for being a health counselor, I can say it is for the well being of the people around me, the people I love the most! Maybe, in the future I am going to be able to bring it all together and have my own cooking TV show about natural and recycle lifestyle.... Just an idea out there!
Maytee: Congratulations on being a mommy! What’s you secret to a great body after having a baby?
Camila: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I guess being very natural, active and eating well... My pregnancy was amazing; I was able to keep exercising, like spinning and yoga. But, i think my way of eating is the most important factor, since I have a very organic, no refined ingredients’ diet... It is so much easier than everybody thinks, and once you get used to it, it becomes a lifestyle, with conscious choices all time!
Maytee: Where can we see more of the beautiful Camila Quaresma?
Camila: Site- Twitter- Facebook-
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